
Submission Types

These are the guidelines for specific submission types. For general guidelines, please see the ‘Submission Guidelines‘ page. If you have any further queries about what is entailed by each submission type, or if you would like to negotiate a modified version of one of these submission types (such as a changed word limit), please do not hesitate to contact

If you are ready to submit, see the ‘Submit’ page, which contains the necessary forms.




Title Page


250 words limit, with following exact headings:

  • Background: describe the main objective of the study
  • Materials and Methods: explain how the study was done, without including the details
  • Results: summarise most important outcomes
  • Conclusion: a short statement of the conclusion of the study


Provide background (brief review, define problem, disagreement in the field, and rationale), and the aim or hypothesis of the study.

Materials and Methods 

  • Ethics statement at the beginning
  • Comply with following standard reporting guidelines for study designs (for full details, refer to EQUATOR Network)
    • Clinical trials – CONSORT for randomised controlled trials, TREND for non-randomised trials
    • Systematic reviews and meta-analyses — PRISMA
    • Diagnostic studies — STARD
    • Observational studies in epidemiology — STROBE
  • Provide details on how the study was conducted and analysed, sufficient enough for it to be fully replicated by another party.


  • Description of result of the experiment and interpretation
  • Include test statistics and p values where appropriate


  • Description of how the results relate to the aim or hypothesis
  • Discussion of how the results compare to other studies
  • Explanation of limitations of the experiment
  • Discussion of implication of this study
  • Statement of potential future directions



  • AMSJ conforms to the modified Vancouver style of referencing, outlined by ICMJE. Please refer to the References section for further details.
  • Acceptable sources
    • Published or accepted manuscripts
    • Published Books
    • Do not use websites and point of care sources



Title Page


250 words limit, with following headings:

  • Introduction: Describe the main objective of the study
  • Summary: Summarise key points of the review.


Provide background (brief review, define problem, disagreement in the field and rationale), and aim or hypothesis of the study.

Body Text 

List review components in logical order with sub headings.


  • Description of how the review relate to medical students
  • Explanation of limitations of the review
  • Discussion of implication of the studies
  • Statement of potential future directions/topics



  • AMSJ conforms to the modified Vancouver style of referencing, outlined by ICMJE. Please refer to the Reference section for further details.
  • Acceptable sources
    • Published or accepted manuscripts
    • Published Books
    • Do not use websites and point of care sources



Case reports should document a single interesting case providing useful learning points for medical students.

Title Page 


250 words limit, with following headings:

  • Introduction: Describe brief background
  • Case overview
  • Discussion overview


One paragraph summarising the salient clinical features of the case.

The Case 

which may include but is not limited to:

  • Patient demographics
  • History of presenting symptom, relevant past medical history, medication history (using generic drug names), and/or allergy history
  • Social and family history
  • Physical examination findings
  • Diagnostic tests and/or investigations and results
  • Treatments and/or interventions
  • Outcome


which may include but is not limited to:

  • Specific topics relevant to the case that should enlighten the reader about the clinical features of the scenario, management approaches, or recent developments
  • Any important and revealing reflections

Consent Declaration 

Informed consent must be obtained from any patients described prior to the submission of the case report. Include the following statement: “Informed consent was obtained from the patient for publication of this case report and accompanying figures.”



  • AMSJ conforms to the modified Vancouver style of referencing, outlined by ICMJE. Please refer to the Reference section for further details.
  • Acceptable sources
    • Published or accepted manuscripts
    • Published Books
    • Do not use websites and point of care sources



Feature articles can include:

  • Reports on conferences or elective experiences.
  • Essays that are not solely scientific or academic, which may explore the nature of medicine or a medical issue from an alternative perspective, possibly through the lens of literature, history, art or philosophy. They may also take the style of an extended opinion piece (for example, an extended argument about health reform).

Title Page 


250 words limit, with following headings:

  • Introduction: describe brief background
  • Summary: brief overview of the feature article


One paragraph presenting the topic of the report or essay.

Body Text 

Structure and sections are left to the author’s discretion.


A summary of the feature article and its significance for medical students.



  • AMSJ conforms to the modified Vancouver style of referencing, outlined by ICMJE. Please refer to the Reference section for further details.
  • Acceptable sources
    • Published or accepted manuscripts
    • Published Books
    • Do not use websites and point of care sources



Letters to the AMSJ should be intended to make commentary on issues surrounding medicine or previous articles. Letters are the only submission type where authorship is not limited to students. Libellous or slanderous material will not be considered for publication. This is to provide a forum for medical students and the wider medical community to discuss contemporary issues in the literature.

Title Page  

Body Text 

Structure and sections are left to the author’s discretion.


  • AMSJ conforms to the modified Vancouver style of referencing, outlined by ICMJE. Please refer to the Reference section for further details.
  • Acceptable sources
    • Published or accepted manuscripts
    • Published Books
    • Do not use websites and point of care sources


Updated May 2017, V8I2