Editorial & Peer Review Process


Initial Checks

All submissions will be checked for policy adherence as outlined in the Editorial Policies by the Editor-in-Chief and the Deputy Editor-in-Chief.

Editor Assignment

All manuscripts will be reviewed and evaluated by the editorial team based on the AMSJ Selection Criteria.

Once the decision has been made whether to accept (with or without changes) for peer review process or to reject, each manuscript will be assigned to an editor with relevant expertise. If changes are required prior to the peer review process based on the decision from the editorial team, the editor will contact the authors for such changes. The authors have 2 weeks to resubmit the revised manuscript. Then, the revised manuscript will be forwarded to external reviewers.



Peer Review

Authors are encouraged to suggest two external reviewers during the submission process. This does not, however, guarantee that the suggested reviewers will be contacted for the peer review process.

The editor decides and contacts external reviewers who are the experts in the field of study. All submissions to AMSJ are evaluated by at least three external reviewers. However, the number of reviewers may change depending on the circumstances and this is determined by the editor. Once the external reviewers agree to review a manuscript, reviewers are asked to complete the review within 3 weeks.


The AMSJ operates a de-identified peer review system, where identities of both authors and reviewers are protected. Please refer to Editorial Policies for further information.



Once recommendations from all external reviewers is received, the final decision on a manuscript is made by the editor as one of the following:

  • Accept
  • Minor revision
  • Major revision
  • Reject



If revision (major and minor) is required, the authors have 2 weeks to resubmit the revised manuscript. The editor will determine whether additional peer review process is required.



When the article is accepted, its status is provisional until completion of the formatting and technical requirements. Authors will be contacted with requirements by email. The sections of the manuscript (but not limited to) which will be confirmed are as follows:

  • Author names and affiliations
  • Conflict of interest statement and submission of the ICMJE conflict of interest form
  • Manuscript formatting as per the AMSJ style guide
  • Figure and table formatting

Please note that this is the last opportunity to make any corrections in the manuscript. Please revise the manuscript thoroughly.

Once such confirmation process is completed, the manuscript is forwarded to the proofreading team for the final check of the formatting and technical requirements, and then to the publication team.



If you have any questions at any stage of this process, please contact the assigned editor or the Editor-in-Chief.


Updated May 2017, V8I2